Issue 17

The Hand You’re Dealt by Jerry M. Burger
July, 1979 by Flavian Mark Lupinetti
Killing the Coyote by Anne Korkeakivi
A Distant Shore by Patrick Pfister
At War With General Franco by Luther Magnussen
This, of Course, Is Spiritual by Matt Lombardi
Before the Jacaranda Trees Bloom by Sequoia Nagamatsu
Shark Eyes by Christopher Schacht
To the River by Kelly Flanigan
Ninety-seven by Paola Peroni
Smart Enough by MaryLee McNeal
In Kalvarija Father Died by Itzhak Kronzon
The Consolation of Anatomy by Kurt Magsamen
She Might Die by Magda Montiel Davis
My Father’s Hands by P. Philip Cheung
The Storm Between Us by Hazel Kight Witham
Hinges by Melissa Stein
Soul Bargaining by Regie Cabico
What Bears Your Name by Nancy Maomi Carlson
Brazil, 1968 by Claudia Cortese
Nabokov Attempts a Doublet at Seventy-four by Patricia Lockwood
The Death of the Magician by David Wagoner
Father’s First Heart Attack by Hal Sirowitz
Avoiding Rigidity by Hal Sirowitz
Tumor by John Kay
The Button Collector by John Kay
Letter in Autumn by Wendy Wisner
Martin, 1918 by Karina Borowicz
Defect by Joanna Pearson
Describe a morning you woke without fear by Jacqueline Jones LaMon
Hickies by Amy Kitchell-Leighty
Miguel Plans a Revolt by Ines P. Rivera Prosdocimi
The Heart Long Gone by Maria Williams-Russell
Air Hunger by Sandra Meek
The Way Back by Helen Klein Ross
Black Dog by Amie Sharp
Foreword by Stacy Bodziak
Book Review: “Right of Thirst” reviewed by Walter Cummins
Contributors’ Notes