A journal of humanity and human experience

Coming up next

Join us on January 30th for “The Literary Rx: The Book Doctors Are In!”, a live panel discussion with four best-selling medical writers about how they have used creative writing to dig deeper into ethical dilemmas in healthcare. (Free, online)

As featured on NPR's Morning Edition

NPR’s Neda Ulaby reported on BLR‘s 20th Anniversary, featuring BLR Editor Danielle Ofri, along with author Celeste Ng. Long before Celeste Ng reached stratospheric popularity with Everything I Never Told You and Little Fires Everywhere, she was an emerging author, whose story “Girls, at Play” appeared in BLR and then won a Pushcart Prize.

Whiting Award Winner

BLR was awarded a Whiting Literary Magazine Prize for
“excellence in publishing, advocacy for writers, and a unique contribution to the strength of the overall literary community.”

BLR Off the Page


Interview: Meredith Talusan

Fiction allows me to further portray realities from perspectives outside the majority, not just at the level of my lived experience but in terms of a broad range of possible trans, BIPOC, immigrant, and disabled experiences.

Book Review: Narrative in Social Work Practice

The book is dazzling and groundbreaking. The author’s bright, spare prose engages us intensely with her characters and their relationships.

Ellis Island, 1951

On the island / where we landed, radiation /
lit my father up, illuminated / hidden damage…

Nursing & Writing Roundtable: Part II

I’m grateful that my impulse to write was fed by nursing, by that intense, important arena that offers every emotion and every human situation on earth.


For minutes,/
I watch his heart: ventricles contracting,/
blood pumping – my other silent pulsing center

Your Cane

Even your children, Mom and daee, tried lecturing you, but I knew you didn’t regret it. The sour taste you adored was still in your mouth.

Book Review: To Hold Back Nothing

Recovery. It is the word that followed me while reading White Magic by Elissa Washuta. It whispered at me between sentences, chasing me from chapter to chapter.

A Doctor in the Court of the King of Nepal

I labored to decipher the pidgin English until I at last understood that the King of Nepal wanted me, Dr. Itzhak Kronzon of the Bronx Municipal Hospital, to come to his royal court.

if i die at thirty five

there will be/
no burial burn/
the body cancer/

Praise & Recognition