Issue 22

Issue 22 2012 Prize Winners


Trotsky in the Bronx by Harry W. Kopp (Contest Winner)
Terminal Device by Jennifer Lee (Honorable Mention)
A Hole in the Wall by Clifford Garstang 
As Strong As I Was by Kristin Indciardi 
Everything Happens by Clark Knowles 
The Weight of Bone by James Stolen 
Seeing Things by Deena Linett 
Unchecked by Kathryn Trueblood 
Bread and Honey by Ilya Lyashevsky


The Crazy One by Annita Sawyer (Contest Winner)
Mustard Seed by Jessica Penner (Honorable Mention)
Baked Goods by Stacey Gill Jacobs 
The Morning Without Sleep by Naomi Lore 
Batteries in Our Times by Dwaine Rieves 


Portrait of My Parents Making Love as a Stomach Virus by Lauren Schmidt (Contest Winner)
In Winter I See the Bridge and the Lights Are Like Keening by Megan Leonard (Honorable Mention)
Private Lives by John Kay 
Hansel by Carol Barrett 
No Limits, Just Edges by Mary Elizabeth Frandson 
December 16, Six Years Later by Amanda Auchter 
The Sister, Born Again by Amanda Auchter 
Mrs. Eder’s Sunday School Class by Brenna Working Lemieux 
Someone Else’s Pain by Brenna Wording Lemieux 
Relic by Stacy Nigliazzo 
Whatever by Marie Kane 
Mr. G’ s Collection by Laurie Ann Guerrero 
In Hades by Susan Okie 
A Lover’s Discourse by Alex Dimitrov 
Naming: First Poem for You by Maya Jewell Zeller 
Conversation with a Dead Poet by Eleonora Luongo 
Lost Time (1997) by Jay Kidd 
Owl Maiden by Anya Silver 
Strawberries in Snow by Anya Silver 
Tinnitus by Bruce Bond 
From the Terribly Disturbed Sky by Renee Beauregard Lute 
Vomeronasal Organ or Jacobson’s Organ by Travis Mossotti 
Aubade: Too Early by Thomas March 
Bartholomeus Breenbergh: Venus Mourning the Death of Adonis by Jill McDonough 
Attachment by Sally Lipton Derringer 


Foreword by Corie Feiner
Book Review: “The Healing Art of Writing” reviewed Jason Karlawish
Contributors’ Notes