Issue 46

Stray Gods by Shastri Akella (Winner)
Childe by William Klein (Honorable Mention)
Wiggler by Tennessee Hill
Ghon Focus by Jonathan Strysko
Reflexes by Adriana Golden
Geese by Grace Glass
All the Known Territories by Rashmi Patel
Bird Song by Peter Kessler
Anticipatory Grief by Misty Kiwak Jacobs (Winner)
Officium by Siobhan McKenna (Honorable Mention)
Loaded Gun by Erin Van Rheenen
Dark Valley by Zoë Sprankle
71 Grams by Nicki Porter
Dementia Unit for John Glenn by Amy Rothschild (Winner)
It Has Nothing to Do with Argentina by Carolene Kurien (Honorable Mention)
To the Friend Who Can’t Tell a Turtle from a Lump of Pond Gunk by Cynthia Marie Hoffman
Little Father by J.A. Holm
Ghost Pond by Amy Ralston Seife
Day 1,301 by Judith Harris
Quality of Life by Chelsea Kerwin
Corpus Callosum by Bruce Bond
On Liquids & Little Icaruses by Seth Peterson
Barren by Lisa Dordal
Velcro Ode by Scott Frey
Status Migrainosus by Megan Maier
Dissection by Rachel Yinger
My Dexa Scan by Deborah Bayer
Pressure by Purvi Shah
For Want of Directions by Judith Fox
Remember the Body by Bethany F. Brengan
On Lumbering by Olivia Olson
Foreword by Doris W. Cheng
Book Review: Brainspotting by A.J. Lees, Notting Hill Editions, 2022 by Peter Bricklebank