
Our Psychedelic Minibreak 

I am Googling the best places to get magic mushrooms. It’s important to stress here that I am the squarest person who has ever lived.


It gets hold of me, I wrote less than a year after her death. Somehow  it creeps up.

I Must Have Been That Man

To the left of the scar, I could see the new heart beating beneath my skin. The new double pump song of perfection replacing the one wrong beat, a single ventricle, I’d had before.

Harvest Moon

He’d looked perfect – nothing deformed or discolored, no hair out of place, both shoelaces tied. The life had been shaken out of him. 

Breaking Point

Our heads are filled with the native rhythm of an aerobic beat and hot anticipation.


You know what they say—never trust anything that can bleed for a week without dying.

You Know What She Means

And here is another thing you do not remember: your parents telling you that you have polio, and that they are taking you to St. Margaret’s Hospital in Northridge.

How Air Moves

Underneath is a body cast, my new ectoskeleton, my nautilus, crawled into, where I live now.

Iambic Pentameter and the Meter of War

In the 1940’s, a young Marine returns from China to a small Pennsylvania town. One year later finds the body of the mother-in-law sprawled on the kitchen floor and the body of the wife in the living room, both perforated with bullets.