Issue 23
Malaria by Michael Byers
Repurpose by Jake Wolf
Boy, Unleashed by Edward Hamlin
Yellow Fog by Andrea Rochat
Things You Should Never Tell Your Mother by Zhanna Vaynberg
Below the Knee by Laura Ender
Five-Star Hotel by Julie Stielstra
Apnea byLaura Adamczyk
Not to Scale by Catherine Lewis
Sister Mary Anne Therese and HerBrother’s Devilish Good Looks by Katherine Zlabek
No Man’s Land by Elizabeth Scarboro
The Deposit by Toni Mirosevich
On Not Seeing Whales by Nikki Schulak
After Creeley: Form of by Caleb Scott
Poems for Freud by Sharon Venezio
Western Civilization by Jim Tolan
Testament of a Minimalist by Henry Hart
The Healer by Nylah Lyman
A Suspicion by Ricardo Pau-Llosa
Dear by Sarah Cedeño
Intersections by Deb Baker
The Anesthesiologist by Jeffrey Morgan
Weaning: First Day of School by Wendy Wisner
Under the wild strawberries by Monica Wendel
The Amputee by Kevin Simmonds
Gone by Carolyn Welch Scarbrough
The Patient by Staci R. Schoenfeld
Strandings by Lynne Knight
Plath’s Recipe by Nina Bannett
Absence by Gary Hanna
Pole-Dancing With Ghosts by Alex Lemon
18/Sweets by Tom Sleigh
on body by A.M. Brant
Foreword by Stacy Bodziak
Book Review: “Life and Works of William Carlos Williams,” reviewed by Kate Falvey
Contributors’ Notes