Issue 35

Bon Voyage, Charlie by Dan Pope
Anthrocon, 2017 by A.K. Small
This Be Madness by Carter Sickels
The Freshman by Beth Thompson Stafford
We Knew a World by Jennifer Solheim
Slight Turbulence Ahead by Mehdi M. Kashani
Almost Theides by Manini Nayar
The Stag Beetles by David Ryan
Lucky by Hunter Choate
Uprush by Ferris Wayne McDaniel
In the Margin by Ha Jin
Thoreau’s Body by Joanne Jacobson
Displacement: Illness & Health by Barron H. Lerner
A Midnight Encounter by Mark Zimmerman
In Memoriam, Fanny Imlay (1794-1816) by Jason Schneiderman
The Dreamer by Myra Shapiro
Taking Part by Hal Sirowitz
Self-Care by Yanyi
Binge-Watching Netflix With My Spine by Sonja Johanson
The Department Store Badger by Rachel Dragos
A Sestina of Bad News by Alex Johansson
Dear Z by Diane Raptosh
Eating Disorder by Jana-Lee Germaine
A Thread of Sunlight on Eurydice’s Hem by Eric Pankey
Reasons for Admission (Not Indexed in ICD-10) by Gaetan Sgro
I want to talk about McDonald’s by Jad Yassine
The Mountain and the Teaspoon by Lindsay Stuart Hill
Global Warming by Sue Ellen Thompson
Antiquing With Alzheimer’s by Lili Flanders
June Bugs by Prartho Sereno
Duende by Elizabeth J. Coleman
Charles Bonnet’s Syndrome by Iris Tillman
Figlio Tuo by Hilary Sideris
Editor’s Note by Danielle Ofri
Foreword by Jason Schneiderman
Cover Art by Jonathan Allen
Book Review: “Narrative in Social Work Practice” reviewed by Rachel Hadas